Preschool Inclusion Key Findings from Research and Implications for Policy

Preschool Inclusion Key Findings from Research and Implications for Policy
This brief builds on the research review and policy recommendations in the HHS/DOE policy statement. It highlights research relevant to three questions, outlined below: 1) What are the effects of inclusive preschool on children’s early learning and development? 2) What is known about the quality of inclusive preschool programs? 3) What is known about how to improve the quality of inclusive preschool?
In a final section, this brief presents recommendations for policies that are supported by research, including policies related to the funding of early care and education programs, states’ professional development systems, and investments in gathering critical information about inclusive preschool programs for ongoing monitoring and quality improvement.
National Center for Children in Poverty
policy, early childhood, effectiveness
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
Persons with disability
System wide approach
Level of Education:
Early Childhood Education
Type of Resources:
Research & Policy Papers
Europe & North America
Language of Publication: