Welcoming learners with disabilities in quality learning environments: a tool to support countries in moving towards inclusive education

Welcoming learners with disabilities in quality learning environments: a tool to support countries in moving towards inclusive education
This tool, designed to be used by ministry staff and other stakeholders, presents 10 key areas where actions can be taken to make education systems more inclusive. The tool presents these areas as interdependent and encourages the user to recognize that action must be taken across all areas in a coherent and coordinated way: each area affects, and is affected by, every other. The aim of this tool is to enhance coherence and coordination among stakeholders working in different areas of education, allowing them to improve learning environments and support services for all learners.
disability-inclusive education, inclusive education systems, Sustainable Goal 4, Inclusive learning environment
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
Persons with disability
System wide approach
Level of Education:
Across the education sector
Type of Resources:
Guidelines and Tools
All, Africa, Arab States, Asia & the Pacific, Europe & North America, Latin America & the Caribbean
Language of Publication: